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Friday, August 14, 2009

Breastfeeding & Baby Online Shopping Spree

Hari nie pun dah hari Jumaat, yahoo esok cuti. Tahap kemalasan hari jumaat mmg agak melampau, sambil2 malas buat keje sambil tue aku browsing all the web yg ader jual barangan baby and also info pasal breastfeeding. Knapa tiba2 aku terfikir utk bagi susu ibu pada anak ku? Entah rasa aku pun tak tau jawapan itu, tpi bagi ku bnyk pro and contra bagi sesiapa yg berhajat nak bagi susu ibu pada anaknya. That depends on how are you ready on mentally to do this things. Ini bukan main2 tau anda perlu komiten utk melakukan ini. So first thing yg aku kene buat is to get a lot of information on breastfeeding, then baru aku akan decide whether to breasfeed or rather took susu lembu bagi baby ku minum. I need time and also guidance for this.

Sambil baca on the relevant info on breastfeeding aku mula buka blog yg menjual pelbagai keperluan utk baby, utk breastfeeding dan mcm2 lagi, Melalui ini kita kan mula start compare tge price outside and also online web punyer barang. Klu bagi sesiapa new mama yg tak larat jalan, i mmg suggest u all utk go to shopping online also can get reasonable price. Sonok tgk all the products tpi bagi ku, aku tak tergesa2 utk beli barang walaupun aku dah 6 months. Baik slow and steady, buy what the needed things.

So kat bawah tue aku dapat 3 web yg provide a lot of products, so for new mum why not try to see all of this.......

*happy surfing everyone

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