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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"Antenatal Screening"- Test aper Ntah ???

Selasa lepas aku pegi ke HUKM for ambik darah, tak taulah ujian pe?? mcm2 lah HUKM nie nak suruh buat test itu dan ini, seawal pagi dah smpai coz tak mau lewat ke ofis, jam 8 pagi dah smpai saner, proses tak rumit kene jumpe Puan Rashidah tak tau siapa tue, tak jumpe pun, jumper nurse yg lain. Setiap test di HUKM kene bayar sebanyak rm 5.00, then pegi ke Makmal C, ramai yg dah tunggu ader yg kene ambik darah, minum air gula, mcm2 lah. Then nama aku dipanggil, yup ambik tempat dan hulur tangan, staff kat makmal tue pun dah kenal aku sbb klu nak ambik akulah org yg lain dari yg lain. Coz diaorg tak leh ambik dri lengan aku sbb urat terlalu halus jdi kene ambik kat area atas tangan, kira dekat urat darah jari (tak tau nak describe, tgk gambar baru faham)

tangan kanan

tangan kiri

Sesi ambik darah bermula, disebabkan the staff dah kenal aku, so dia ambik darah near the same spot dia ambik, malangnyer percubaan dia gagal, so aku budget yg dia try and error, so still dia cucuk dlm smpai rasa dlm daging still darah tak kuar, jdi smpai bila aku nak tahan sakitkan terus jerit adoi, sbb mmg sakit gila dan ini bukan pembohongan, then try ke tangan kanan, dia cucuk then tetus kuar darah tpi mmg sakit gila aku tak tau knapa maybe maser dia tarik dan pusing jarum ke kiri dan ke kanan membuatkan jari aku berdenyut. Dia pun buat keje dia, lagipun ambik darah bukan toreh perut, tue belum sakit bersalin lagi jdi kena tahan ok.Wah habis jer sesi tue, dua2 tangan aku berdenyut, boleh ke aku drive, tpi well kene kuatkan diri ok, bkn snag nak jadi ibu nie pengorbanan is penting.

24 weeks (6 months)

my baby dah 6 months, quite besar, suka tendang perut mama dia but he is the good baby boy, luv u sayang

Your fetus weighs more than 1.3 pounds/ 600 grams. Though she still has little body fat and her skin is thin and fragile, she's now well-proportioned. Her brain is growing rapidly, and she is starting to fill the space in your uterus. From crown to heel she could measure 11.8 inches/ 30 centimeters. If you went into labour at this time, however, many obstetricians and doctors would make every effort to halt the progress of premature labour to enable your baby to continue maturing. You may be noticing faint, red or brown streaks known as striae or stretchmarks on your abdomen, hips and breasts. While creams won't erase them, wearing a supportive bra may help prevent or minimise them on your breasts. They are very common at this stage of the pregnancy - about 90 per cent of women get them. After you've given birth, the reddish or brown pigmentation in the stretchmarks gradually fades, and the streaks become lighter than the surrounding skin.

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