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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mama, Baby dah 17 minggu

"Mama!mama! baby dah 17 minggu" memanggil aku dlam perut nie, ceh just imaginasi aku jer ni. Ajaiblah klu baby nie boleh panggil mama sbb dia still dalam perut. Ramai dah tanyer aku rasa tak pergerakan baby. Erm just dapat rasa ader angin dlm perut, maybe lum lagi kot, coz aku nie bnyk lemak di perut. hehehe. mengaku tue??? Next week planning nak pie scan, sajer coz dah 17 minggu, next month ader 2 appoitment satu kat klinik ibu mengandung DBKL, 13hb Julai dan di HUKM 22hb Julai. So aku rasa just kat hukm ader provide scan, tpi tak sabar lah nak tgk baby.

Aku nie ader masalh tidor, aku suker tuker meniarap, perut ke bawah, tak leh nak buang tabiat nie, rasa selesa, tpi aku takut ader effect pada baby. Hri tue aku ader tanyer nurse, dia kater tak apa, tapi bolehnyer elok tidur mengiring ke kiri. Erm camner nak buang tabiat nie, ader org dapat tak nasihatkan mama nie??? Perut aku still tak nampak besar, adakah baby boy?? hope to, if twins lagi better, ceh aku nie suka berangan. tpi haraplah2 kan , tak payah ngandung lagi klu dapat twins. hehe

Week 17

Your baby is now nearly 5.5 inches/ 13 centimeters long from crown to rump and weighs approximately 5 ounces/ 140 grams. Her skeleton is mostly rubbery cartilage, which will harden later. A protective substance called myelin slowly begins to wrap around the spinal cord. With the help of a special stethoscope, you can now hear your baby's heartbeat. There's almost nothing more comforting or exciting than hearing your baby's heartbeat galloping along. On days when you're worried about how your pregnancy is progressing, hearing the heartbeat lets you know that your baby's developing and growing. For times when boredom strikes and you feel as if you'll be pregnant forever, it can be a pleasant reminder of what will come at the end of 40 weeks of waiting. Your growing uterus has shifted your center of gravity and you've probably been feeling a bit off-balance. Be careful and wear low-heeled shoes. Finding it hard to settle when you go to bed?


hari nie mama rajin sikit nak ambik gambor sendiri, sajer wat kenang kenangan.

comel tak mama to be nie

mama yg malas pi keje, tpi gaji nak

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