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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Buffet Lunch at Hilton

Last Friday, we all go to buffet lunch at Hilton Hotel PJ to give a fairwell party to our staff that are resigning from CPK, Miss Annie Low, had been with CPK for 4 years, a lot of pressure had been absorbed, a lot of sacrifice also. But i feel happy for her coz, she had think her family as the 1st priority. Her daughter next year will be in standard one, so she had found new job near her house and she now focusing to her family.

Yup makanan mmg sdap saya + baby mmg hungry so must eat for two... is it?? So 1st things i eat go to malay food section eat nasi + ikan msak asam + rendang daging + sotong masak petai. wow mmg sdap... sdap gila agak2 baby dlm perut pun menjilat jari..

favourite food sate + sotong

For the 2nd round, i eat sate + seafood , urmm mmg sdap gila. sdap sngat. tak tau berapa round mkan, aku pusing around nak tau mknan per nak mkn. mmg sdap rambang mata. Adoi perut pun dah kenyang agak baby pun dah kenyang. Dlam kul 2.30 ptg baru balik ke ofis.. thanks for bos + annie, although she resign but i think i will miss her, every human beings had their bad side right. anyway we need to forgive and forget, remember the sweet moments.

at buffet area

So we all enjoy the moments.............................
Bye Annie Low

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