Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mama, Baby dah 13 Minggu

Hye sayang mama...
Hari nie anak mama dah 13 minggu,
Semoga sihat ok sayang intan payung mama,
Buah hati papa....

Mama & Papa syang baby ok


The fetus is now nearly 3 inches / 7 to 8 centimeters long from crown to rump and weighs nearly an ounce / 23 grams - about half a banana. Its unique fingerprints are already in place. And when you poke your stomach gently and she feels it, your baby will start rooting - that is, act as if she's searching for a nipple. If you're having a girl, she now has approximately 2 million eggs in her ovaries; she will have only a million by the time she's born. She'll have fewer eggs as she gets older, and by age 17, the number will have dropped to 200,000. As for you, the fog may be lifting, so to speak.
For many women, the side effects of early pregnancy - frequent urination, intense fatigue, nausea - diminish sometime in the second trimester. Your uterus, while large enough to announce to onlookers that you're indeed pregnant, isn't so huge that it gets in your way. Even though birth is months away, your breasts may already start making colostrum, the fluid that will feed your baby for the first few days before your milk comes in.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Baby of The Day

Sajer rasanya nak post utk hari nie gambar baby erra yg sesungguhnyer mmg cute bangat. Mmg comel, geram betul tgk pipi dia tue, rasa nak picit2 jer. So comel harap akn mewarisi sifat tepuji ibu dan bapanyer.

adore this face, u so cute syang

ala2 comelnyer dia menguap

termenung aper tue sayang engku aleesya

Harap2 baby ku jua comel seperti mama & papanyer...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Last Night Moments (Baby Mama & Papa)

Smlam finally aku rasa baik aku ke klinik utk check kesihatan ku ini yg sejak 2 minggu ini tak menentu, ader yg ckap disbabkan pembawakan budak, so badan pun ader perubahan, terutama a lot of changes on my hormon. So smlam lpas keje aku & husband pegi ke pusat rawatan an-nisa di cheras, klinik panel utk my husband, allhamduliilah the doctor is perempuan, lega sikit coz aku rasa segan if doktor lelaki.

Dapat bnyk information smlam, kongsi ngan doktor the problem, doktor just ckp i kene jga berat badan, yup aku sedar aku smakin berisi lepas kawin, coz sbb snang hati, disebabkan faktor nie aku cepat letih sbb kini aku berkongsi segalanya dengan baby ku, the acid dari perut dah naik ke atas, that why aku selalu muntah. so a lot of advice dia bagi suruh aku "jgn pakai baju ketat2 means pakai baju longgar, seluar pun samer", "tidor tinggikan bantal so acid dari perut takkan ganggu u lagi' yup advice dia ader kebenaran, dia suruh aku kurangkan mkn , means ambik dlm kauntiti yg sikit tpi kerap. Tpi aku ckp pader doktor, aku mmg dah smakin kurang mkn.....

Then kami ke peringkat untuk scan the baby, rasa itu aderlah saat yg paling sedih + happy (all in 1), i'm happy to see the baby, not so clear sbb baby agak kecik. Yup baby cukup aktif, asyik pusing jer, doktor pun ckp u punyer baby aktif, nak tangkap gambar dia pun susah, tak sangka di saat itu air mata ku keluar. aku pernah kehilangan dan skrg aku rasa besar sungguh kuasa tuhan, memberi aku zuriat yg mmg amat berharga. Permata hati mama & papa.

maser nie baby ku sngat aktif asyik berpusing jer, mama luv u syang

finally hati ku lega lihat baby ku sihat


Melihat mu anak ku seperti megenggam permata,
mengandungkanmu bagaikan hari2 yg indah
mama syangkan baby

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tak Sihat

No mood dan tak sihat, agak inilah keadaan org yang mengandung. Selalu sangat rasa tak sihat.... tpi takper ini just permulaan so kene tahanlah sikitkan. Walaupun tak sihat aku sentiasa mohon ada tuhan agar sihatkan tubuh badan ku ini. So mlm nie aku akan pie check up to klinik. tak mau tangguh2 lagi. Ofis punyer keje pun malas nak buat kiranyer minggu nie minggu honeymoon aku. Baguslah tak larat nak tgk muka bos, lagipun bos Hip2 hooray

adoi tembunnyer baby nie, montok + montel + comel

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

1st Trimester Nearly Gone

Yup smalam aku sudah melangkah untuk mengakhiri peringkat 1 trimester, ckup usia kandunganku mencecah 3 bulan...smlam konon mc untuk pie daftar and do check up untuk my kandungan di HUKM, actually kene pie private dulu then prepare surat rujukan dari doktor untuk pergi ke HUKM, smalm pie meronda ke area flat Sri Kota mencari klinik ibu mengandung DBKL... tak dapat di gambarkan keadaan flat tue, sungguh kotor dan yg paling mengejutkan klinik tue dibuka hanya pada hari isnin & jumaat sahaja. Nielah klinik kerajaan... geram tul...

Sekarang dah masuk 2nd trimester, aku rasa mase 1st trimester aku ok jer, ader muntah & loya2 tpi tahap ok still tak teruk tpi ntahlah aku rasakan keadaan aku samer jer. cume skrg asyik ader flame jer, mlm susah nak tidur, kepala selalu pening. adoi sungguh tak larat. hari nie aku rasa kepala aku smakin pening, tekak rasa tasteless. adoi...aku cuma harap keadaan kandungan ku baik selalu. dan jika di takdirkan aku mati selepas lahirkannyer aku tak kisah. biarlah dia jadi permata yg sempurna. (yup aku dah mengarutkan) tpi setiap manusia kene ingat kematian.

Semalam aku tak pie check up coz badan aku tersangat lemah, tiada tenaga nak berjalan. kaki sakit segalanyer sakit. ntahlah just tidur jer kat umah.


Your baby's face is beginning to look more human, even though she is only about 2 inches/5.5cms long from her crown to her rump and weighs slightly less than half an ounce/ 14 grams. The eyes, which started out on the sides of the head, have moved closer together. The ears are almost in their normal position on the side of the head. The liver is making bile and the kidneys are secreting urine in the bladder.

The fetus squirms if your abdomen is prodded, although you cannot yet feel movement. Fetal nerve cells have been multiplying rapidly and synapses (neurological connections in your brain) are forming. The fetus has acquired more reflexes: touching the palms makes the fingers close, touching the soles of the feet makes the toes curl down and touching the eyelids makes the eye muscles clench.

Last Week Memory

Just a summary of last week activities, memandangkan last week bz so takder maser nak update blog nie. Last week bz buat certificate of payments for LCL utk projek One Residency 31 floor service apartment. yup agak headache bila claim dari LCL ini msuk, maybe coz the pressure...... yup selagi this certificate ini tak kuar LCL akan kejar u setiap 1 hour, just to alert u what is your work. Sorry to say this?? I KNOW MY JOB OK... just i ignore dia punyer call. Biasalh LCL nak experdiate i utk kuarkan dia punyer claim.

This week also boring coz i miss my senior,,, dia dah resign. Aku dulu punyer beria2 nak resign tapi sbab dah pregnant ku tangguhkan hasrat ku ini, tunggulah bila aku dah bersalin and also next year kami plan nak duk area gombak atau wangsa maju. So oklah dulu... cumer keadaan ofis snyap tanpa dia. Kdg2 aku ngan dia mmg tak der persefahaman tpi kami tau itu just dlm keje, aku still have respect to her.... she is my senior.

muka yg konon fokus

Harap2 minggu nie aku, so skrng hari2 aku lepas balik keje akan masak, Entah tak rasa penat dan still ok jer masa masak... takder berlaku keadaan yg meloyakan. Happy coz suka tgk husband mkn makanan yg di msak oleh wife dia nie. Tapi selalu tiap2 khamis aku takkan masak coz akn selalu pegi pasar mlam, skrg suka giler makan nasi kerabu, sedapnyer tak tau nak describe. Skrg kat tmpat aku ader makcik jual nasi lemak ader jugak jual nasi kerabu utk sarapan pagi, harga agak murah RM 2.50 mmg sdap... jgn lah anak aku nie ckp kelantan coz asyik makn nsi kerabu jer.

makanan vege

Sempena last day mof my senior, we all go to mkn at vege restaurants, yup mmg sdap makanan vege kat situ. aku ok je mkn vege, aku pandai mkn vege sejak kat old offices, i think eat vege is healthy tpi jemukan nak mkn sayur jer.

LCL certificate of payments

Jumaat yg lepas finally the LCL certificate of payments is ready for collection by LCL. Sungguh lega tiada lagi gangguan dari mereka. Finally aku akn aman seketika, just kene tunggu next month punyer claim dari mereka

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Good Bye Miss Annie Low

The last day of Miss Annie Low in CPK
Hope she will be fine there with her family
Hope we cherish the moments together

Miss Annie Low in Yellow dress

Fun is it???


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Baby Dah 11 Weeks

my baby dah 11 weeks hri nie... tak sabar rsanyer nak tunggu this baby, girl or boy i don't mind just hope she/he will be fine. mama syg baby sngat

You're getting close to the end of the first trimester. Most of the baby's critical development will be behind you after the next couple of weeks, and the odds of miscarriage will soon drop considerably. Measuring from the crown of his head to his rump, your 1.5-inch/ 4-centimetre fetus has all his parts, from tooth buds to toenails. Your baby is busy kicking and stretching; his movements are so fluid they look like water ballet. Fingers and toes have fully separated. Now the fetus's main task during the next six months will be to grow larger and stronger until it can survive on its own outside the womb.

Buffet Lunch at Hilton

Last Friday, we all go to buffet lunch at Hilton Hotel PJ to give a fairwell party to our staff that are resigning from CPK, Miss Annie Low, had been with CPK for 4 years, a lot of pressure had been absorbed, a lot of sacrifice also. But i feel happy for her coz, she had think her family as the 1st priority. Her daughter next year will be in standard one, so she had found new job near her house and she now focusing to her family.

Yup makanan mmg sdap saya + baby mmg hungry so must eat for two... is it?? So 1st things i eat go to malay food section eat nasi + ikan msak asam + rendang daging + sotong masak petai. wow mmg sdap... sdap gila agak2 baby dlm perut pun menjilat jari..

favourite food sate + sotong

For the 2nd round, i eat sate + seafood , urmm mmg sdap gila. sdap sngat. tak tau berapa round mkan, aku pusing around nak tau mknan per nak mkn. mmg sdap rambang mata. Adoi perut pun dah kenyang agak baby pun dah kenyang. Dlam kul 2.30 ptg baru balik ke ofis.. thanks for bos + annie, although she resign but i think i will miss her, every human beings had their bad side right. anyway we need to forgive and forget, remember the sweet moments.

at buffet area

So we all enjoy the moments.............................
Bye Annie Low

Friday, May 8, 2009

No Mood, Tak Sihat

Yup sejak beberapa hari nie rasa tak sihat, rasa nak muntah time ptg jer mulalah nak muntah, pagi nak masuk bilik air pun muntah, tapi allhamdulillah tak berapa muntah bila buat keje2 dapur keje utk menyiang ikan, daging or ayam aku masih lagi mampu menanggung baunyer. bila rasa nak muntah selalu usap perut , suruh baby kesian kat mama. Baby syg mamakan... Smalam beli makanan di pasar malam, makn nasi kerabu lauk ikan goreng + solol lada, mmg sdap. Then beli barang basah skit, beli ikan + sayur2 nak buat mkanan malam untuk hari nie. Smlam pun ader sesi gaduh ngan husband, geram gila, tpi dah ok beselah pempuan ngandung nie ngada2, bnyak hal... yup aku ngaku itu benar.

ini bkn perut aku perut org lain, tak sabar nak tgk perut besar mcm nie

Kat bawah tue ader sikit info utk perkembangan bayi usia 10 minggu dapat dari baby center malaysia

The fetus is only about 1.2 inches / 3 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighs less than a sixth of an ounce / 4 grams. Even so, it's busily swallowing and kicking. Each day more minute details start to appear, such as fingernails and peach-fuzzy hair. The vital organs - the liver, kidneys, intestines, brain and lungs - are fully formed and functional, while the head is almost half the length of the entire body. The forehead temporarily bulges and sits high on the head, but later will change into a more human-like feature. If you could take a look at your baby this week, you'd be able to see the clear outline of his spine. Spinal nerves stretch out from the spinal cord.
Your uterus is now the size of a grapefruit. With the help of a Doppler, a hand-held soundwave stethoscope, you can hear the fetus's rapid heartbeat - one expectant mother likened it to the sound of tiny horses galloping.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Short Trip To Cameron Highlands

Just a story pasal short trip ke Cameron Highlands, memandangkan cuti buruh so mmg plan nak pie saner, Bertolak dari umah dalam pukul 5.30 pagi siap smbahyang kat hentian sebelah, pegi awal ingatkan takder kete kat highway, rupenya sangkaan kami meleset, bnyk gilo kete, setiap hentiaon pun penuh, inilah gaya bila cuti lamer ramai yg ambik peluang utk pulang ke kampung.... We all drive gilir2 kadang husband nak tido, sya akn drive, kesian lak kat diakan. Yup totally bnyk keta at highway. sonok pun ader tpi yerlah ader juga pemandu yg drive mcm tak sabar2 jer. Adoi yg paling tak tahan morning sickeness dah tiba, asyik muntah jer.... heheh nie baru kater ibu ngandung.

sambil2 drive sambil2 snap gambar sendiri

Sampai kat cameron pun awal dlam kul 10.00 pgi dengan memasuki jalan simpang pulai, so memandangkan smpai awal jadi cari tempat utk mkn, mmg best gila, walaupun nampak panas tpi sebenarnya angin sejuk gila. best klu dapat duk cameronkan. Bagi aku susah nak cari tempat makn kat sini. mungkin sbb kitaorg tak tau selok belok kat sini. mmg sunggih tenang bila tgk bnyk gila ladang sayur. dab masa on the way bnyk gila org asli. Memandangakan kami nie mcm tourist sesat, kami jalan jerlah cari destinasi yg tak pasti. Kami singgah di taman rama2 buat pertama kali nyer.

So aper lagi snap jerlah gambar yg ader......

kat taman rama2

cute tak mama nie?? gemukkan, maner tak gemuk bawa org dalam perut

hehehe, papa snap gambar nie

cantikkan rama2 nie

wah mcm profesional photographer pulak

papa yg lapar

Bagi aku taman nie oklah untuk jalan2, so after pie kat sini, pie kat gerai2 yg kat tepi jalan ader jual macam2 untuk di beli, makin tengahari makin ramai yg naik cameron mmg jem gila jlan cameron, so kami pun rasa mcm penat gila.. so berhentilah maner leh berhenti tgk aper yg boleh tgk, jalan mmg jem on the way to tanah rata, so kami decide untuk turun dan pergi ke destinasi yg boleh berhenti. So ader nampak ladang strawberry yag ader tulis leh pluck the strawberry.. heheh mmg excited gila tgk strawberry. so ader beli ice cream strawberi. kita panggil aiskrim pop, mmg sdap yg amat.

sdapnyer strawberi

rasa nak gigit jer,,, nyummmm

ladang sayur-sayuran

Jam pun pukul 3 ptg so kami pun teramat penat, kamipun decide utk pulang dan mkan tghari di perhentian tapah.... bukan tengahrai dah tpi makn petang... tapi kami seronok walaupun ia cumer short trip yh memenatkan.



Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Baby already 10 Weeks

Hri nie my beloved baby dah 10 weeks, hope this baby are healthy in my womb. Hari2 menjadi seorng ibu is the most precious things, satu nyawa membesar dalam badan kita, membesar dengan khasiat yg datag dari ibu. yup sungguh bermakna anugerah tuhan ini pada aku . Allhamdulillah harap aku akan sentiasa sihat dan di rahmati oleh Allah selalu hendaknyer.

sayang mama & papa,
buah hati kami,
mama & papa
syang abby fully