Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hospital Rehabilitasi Cheras

Occupational theraphy area

Acoustic Room 

Landscape area

Inilah nama projek tmpat aku kerja, bangga rasanya nak story pasal projek ni. Walaupun aku masuk di tgh2 projek time tue ofis aku dalam kabin. Best giler miss that moments. For your info this project worth of RM 349 millions and its the 1st rehab hospital in Malaysia. Its the 1st goverment hospital that provided theraphy that are free. Yerlah terapi usually hospital swasta provide and dari segi kos tersangatlah mahal. Terapi utk org yg lumpuh, ada strok dll, major building is hospital main block,ward block, meditel (which is hotel), nurses hostel, apartment block that is for doctors and nurses. Besarkan erm mmg hospital ini lengkap dngan peralatan moden. Dan hospital ini mmg cantik, superb kalah hospital swasta mmg best giler. I'm happy to become a part of this team. Fully appreciated it.

Sent from my BlackBerry Bold 9780® wireless device


ChibbyKunShop said...

Salam azila...
Sy nk tya hospital rehabilitasi ni nk pakai staff x?
Nk mohon dimana ye?
Hrp azila blh beri jwpn klu azila tahu...just email me at atau sms 017-2735586. Rumah sy tak jauh dr situ...kt bdr tun razak je and mmg slalu bwk my mum buat fisio kt hukm :)

cheroxy beauty empire said...

hi...azila....sma la kita org banjar gak,,,sy pn xtau ckp bnjr, just ckit2 je...awk leh bg tau sy ktne nk apply jwtn kosong kt hospital rehabilitasi cheras, jom lawat blog sy k klu free...

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum ni freshie dpd msterskil..kak,nk tnye sket,kt hsptal ni ade x jwatan ksong? Kalo ade akk inform kt sy email sy, No fon sy 010-2357502.. Tlong ea kak..tq..