Erm sebabkan project di atas aku teramatlah bz this week, tak tau nak komen macammana utk kerja ini, dalam blog nie dan facebook jadi tempat aku luahkan rasa terhadap semuanya. Stress tau, baca tajuk projek nie mmg macm senang jer kan. Just for main lift lobby dan toilets sahaja, mmg senang tapi nak tau how many level of it almost 21 level needs to renovate. Oklah tue aku tak kisah coz if ader typical floor, so snaglah nak buat. Tapi skrg drawing pun tak ada, just kan measure + imagine based on the floor plan also the elevation drawings pun ader salah tak reflect the area. Dayabumi mmg old buildings so mmg kene renovate as i know penghuni dayabumi nie terdiri dari MISC, Petronas & also Pos Malaysia. So aper yg aku boleh buat just do my best, so headache on this, the designer also pun tak promise when nka bagi drawings, but the tender need to go out on the 10/2/2010. For me it is impossible tasks, how nak prepare all the BQ.

Tue baru part BQ and for the tender kene ikut KLCC punyer format, ader 3 vol tau, dari as my practise we just have one volume, what to do must follow all KLCC terms & conditions, the form of contract also used KLCC on form no more PAM 2006 if doing KLCC job. Oklah not easy also to get job from KLCC, the consultant also need to registered with them usually the more on BUMIPUTRA company. Maybe dah rezeki company oklah aku akan keje utk cari rezeki for anak aku. So yg aku tau ada new projects also for KLCC at turkimenistan dunno also where. Oklah ader jugak job baru for KLCC. Just aku tak suka nak keje samapai malam sekarang, now adam mmg tak ada dengan aku tapi aku takut after adam ada, aku mmg tak mampu nak kerja sampai malam. Sorry to say that. But aku mmg already cakap dengan my super duper senior aku tak boleh works on night anymore. I had my komitmen to my baby ok.
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