bos : azila, u know where we will be eating today
azila : i no idea where u taking us
bos : we go for lunch at shang ri la hotel, and the main course is suckling pig but vegetarian.... so u ok or not
azila : oh if that case why don't you give me some money and i find my own place to eat... eventhough the pig is vegetarian is still not halal..... a pig will be "haram" for me to eat
bos : (laughing) no lah i just make fun on you
azila : (agak2lah pun......... nak buat lawak)
ader lagi satu part yg mmg buat i marah... tpi maybe it just a joke from bos
bos : azila, came and join us play poker
azila : cannot lah bos playing poker is gambling and forbidden by the religious
So we all go eating at the hotel nikko beside citibank office............ not many of our staff are in coz still ramai yg ambik cuti lagi.......... tak mcm tahun lepas we all mkn di shangri la hotel but buffet one, more delicious than taking this set.............. but i enjoy jer namer pun makankan............... so i upload certain picture and nanti i upload gambar course yg i mkan
paling tak suka ambik gambar........ sya nie tak fotogenik
azila, elaine and annie mkn yee sang
at the back : catherine, annie, me & elaine
in front : miss yeoh, carina (my lady boss) n my big boss mr chan pak kuan
So the lunch hbis pkul 3.30 ptg after that we all bli ofis n then go back early............. yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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